Aug 27, 2018 – Dead Bug Variations

Picture of Hawkins


♨️ LOW BACK REHAB – Dead-Bug Exercise Variations
⚠️The ‘Dead bug’ exercise is one of my favourite foundational exercises for core control and stability. The whole idea is to maintain a neutral spine (maintain contact between back and floor) while moving your arms and legs at the same time. The basic version can get easy so try these tougher variations….
1️⃣Banded Dead-Bug (attached to rig or sturdy object)
2️⃣Weighted Dead-Bug (10lbs overhead)
3️⃣Single Arm Weight Dead-Bug (Challenges Oblique Sling)
4️⃣CLX Band Resisted Dead-Bug
➡️Some of these variations challenge your rotational control, and others challenge you with more weight into extension. Try them out, as always consult someone first if you have low back pain!

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