Sept 3, 2018 – The 3 A’s of Healthcare

Picture of Hawkins


It takes a lot to be successful in a health practice. We believe in the 3️⃣A’s. I think it applies to a lot of health careers:
🔴Ability – this is obvious. You need to always strive for the highest level of skill and service in your profession. Never be complacent, always be learning
🔴Affability – aka ‘Like-ability’. This is frequently lost with professionals. It doesn’t mean being a ‘friend’, but being respectful, empathetic, and generally in a good mood. Clients can divulge a lot of crucial information on their case if they feel more open to communication. If you bring your own personal problems to the job no one will want your service.
🔴Availability – the most underrated. We all want vacations, normal working hours. But if you can’t make small sacrifices: working a Saturday once in a while, working late once per week…you’re under-serving the clients who can’t make it ‘normal times’. 

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