Aug 20, 2018 – Run Form Tips (Shin Angle)

Picture of Hawkins


📽Recently had an awesome time helping out my friend with her Youtube VLOG ‘How to Start Running’. Check this out ASAP on ‘Abby Pollock Youtube’. In the interview we go over some of the top technique tips if you want to take up running. Video is complete with biomechanics and drone footage 😵, 
☝️One of the most important technique cues is the angle of shin(tibia) on impact with the ground 💥
When we run it’s all about an efficient conversion ↔️of energy from each step to the next, with our muscles and tissues acting as springs.
❌When we land with an Angled ↙️Tibia, like the left picture, our shin bone and anterior leg muscles have to dissipate up to 3x our body weight. EVERY STEP.
✅When we land with a more vertical ⬇️Tibia like on the right. We more efficiently convert this energy to our posterior leg muscles, thus propelling us ⚡️forward.
💡This simple change will likely decrease Shin Splints and anterior compartment syndrome. It also can decrease your run times. Personally I’ve found this more clinically significant than the age old debate ‘heel vs forefoot strike’
To Help Cue this change:
🔻Increase your running cadence
🔻Run like you are ‘falling forward’
🔻Don’t ‘over-stride’ each step

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