Oct 9, 2017 – Shoulder Impingement

Picture of Hawkins


Through your lifetime you’ll likely have a painful 💥shoulder at some point. Most of us fixate on ‘I tore my rotator cuff’. But what’s actually happening with this, quote: ‘tear’?
In the pic there are 3 examples of rotator cuff conditions:
1️⃣ Impingement Syndrome – occurs due to friction of the supraspinatus in the sub-acromial space (the small tunnel formed between the acromion and humerus). This occurs more often with overhead activities or someone’s individual anatomy: some people have smaller sub-acromial spaces.
2️⃣ Acute Rotator Cuff Tear – occurs due to a traumatic event ⚡️, like a fall with your arm out, or something simple like trying to quickly grab an object about to drop
3️⃣ Chronic Tendinopathy – occurs due to overuse of certain activities: such as swimming, throwing, even deskwork.
Most of these conditions are NON-Inflammatory in nature. The tendons have degenerative changes that occur over time. They’ve even found bad diet over time can lead to fatty deposits within the tendon, making them weaker and more prone to injury .
Although I listed 3️⃣ separate ‘conditions’ it is not always this simple. You can have variations that occur together: like someone with sub-acromial syndrome, who has a small tear from a fall. These are among the most stubborn conditions I see in my clinics. It takes consistent rehab and good habits to decrease pain. 

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