If you look at the picture in the post ⬆️do you see a lunge, or a split squat?
Trick question because they’re VERY similar. If you ask most people at the gym, they assume your basic forward lunge is easy✅. In fact, a lunge is an advanced progression ⏩from a split squat. You need to master the latter, before lunging. But what really is the difference?.
Split Squats
🔹Feet are Static
🔹You have more Control of your quad and leg movement
🔹Less Demand on Balance
🔻More Foot Strength Needed
🔻Eccentric muscle action, as you descend into the lunge
🔻Frontal Plane (side to side) balance needed
Typical progression of single leg exercises move from Static Split Squat ⏩ Elevated Split Squat ⏩Reverse Lunge ⏩Forward Lunge. (With lots of variations in between).
The main take-away is to seek a fitness professional before doing 💯lunges in a row during a workout class. This way you’ll avoid some serious quad pain the next day😅