1. Knee Injuries – The most common at around 22%, these are mostly traumatic injuries from cutting, running and the impact of the game. Ligament and meniscus tears are very common and often end careers.
2. Ankle Injuries – These can range from minor sprains to major fractures. They make up 15% of injuries
3. Upper Leg – a combination of strains and impact injuries. Of course hamstring strains make up a majority of these (almost 100 per year)
4. Shoulder – common at 8%, they happen a lot from quarterbacks being driven into the ground by pass rushers, resulting in separated or dislocated shoulders.
5. Head Injuries – the most infamous at around 7% because of their long term neurological effects.
Overall, football players have to withstand huge forces during a season, hence the recovery time of 1 week between games so that tissues can heal for the next game. These are tough athletes!