May 28, 2018 – Hamstrings 101

Picture of Hawkins



So imagine you just played a pick-up game of soccer for an hour. You go for that final break-away and 💥BAM💥 it feels like you’ve been hit in the leg with a hammer.
This has happened to a lot of us, likely you’ve experienced a hamstring strain. An injury to one of the 🔙thigh muscles, and one of the most common strains in the body.
How does this happen? When you’re running 🏃🏼⚡️ at high speeds there’s a lot more demand to the muscles of the hip (compared to jogging it’s more the knees).
The hamstrings run from the back of your pelvis to below your knees. So when your hip is driving your leg forward , the hamstrings act as the breaks ⛔️to slow down the leg in the last part of ‘swing phase’. This breaking action is called ‘eccentric contraction’ of the muscle.
The most force ⚡️goes through a muscle with this eccentric load. It’s why you see these injuries happen on TV 📺 with no contact to an athlete. Examples:
🏃🏼Sprinters at the end of a race
⚾️Baseball players reaching for 1st base
⚽️️Soccer players following through on kicks
These injuries are commonly mismanaged 🙅and a lot of times rest doesn’t help the muscle. In fact 1/3 of these injuries reoccur 💢within 2️⃣ weeks of return to sport (Heider 2010)

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